NL Lieutenant Governor's Garden Party Registration
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NL Lieutenant Governor's Garden Party
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
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NL Lieutenant Governor's Garden Party 

Volunteer Sign Up 

Date: Thursday, July 18 OR Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Time: 1:30 - 4:15pm 

July 18: Royal Canadian Legion - Nicholsville Rd, Deer Lake
July 24: Government House - 50 Military Rd, St. John's 

Who: 3rd Year Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers, TrexGuiders, Bridging, Link, & Trefoil Members 

Cost: FREE

Registration Opens: June 25, 2024

Registration Deadline: July 12, 2024


Girl Guides have helped out at the annual Lieutenant Governor's Garden Party by serving tea, juice, sandwiches and cookies. The Garden Party takes place at The Royal Canadian Legion, in Deer Lake on July 18 and Government House, in St. John's on July 24. The event is open to the public from 2:00 - 4:00pm for an enjoyable afternoon of entertainment, light refreshments and more. 


We are requesting the assistance of third-year Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers, Bridging Members, LINK, Guiders, and Trefoil Guild members to help serve guests. 


Youth Members should arrive by 1:45pm, with pick up at 4:00pm.
Adult members should arrive by 1:30pm to assist with set-up in the serving tents and to greet the Youth Members upon arrival. 

Participants should wear full uniform to proudly represent Girl Guides of Canada. 


Let's show a strong presence of Girl Guide members to make this another great success! 




Please note: The collection of billing information at the end of this registration form is a technicality. There will be no payment required as this is a free sign-up. 

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