Who Can Attend: Rangers
Register as a Unit.
Date and Time: Monday, October 21, 2024 - 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Location: West Division- Durham Regional Police Service - 1710 Kingston Road, Pickering, ON L1V 1C5
This general safety and awareness event is hosted by local police service. Activities will include acting out an impaired arrest and going through speed measuring equipment. Police will also provide a tour of the facility and police vehicles.
Safe Guide
- This event is a green level activity.
- Guiders are responsible for providing parents/guardians with SG.1, SG.2, and carrying H.1 forms.
- Guiders are responsible for completing the H.3 Medication Plan and Administration Record.
- Guiders are responsible for ensuring that adult participants receive the H.2 form.
- Guiders must bring completed SG.2, H.1, and H.2 forms to the event.
Guider Responsibilities
Before the event: as noted in the Safe Guide section, Guiders are responsible for distributing and collecting appropriate paperwork for the participants attending from their unit. PLEASE SAVE A COPY of the SG forms. Guiders are expected to share details with caregivers.
At the event: Guiders are responsible for supervising their own unit.
There is no payment to attend this event. If you are no longer able to attend, please inform on-eventregistration@girlguides.ca no later than one week prior to the event date as a courtesy to our hosts and other attendees.