Who can attend: Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers and Adults
Cost: Girls: $27.60; Adults: $13.80
For girls who have a ROM membership: $17.00 (membership card will need to be shared at the venue)
Event Planner: Alexandria Coleman
Location: Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
Join us for a fun and exciting day at the ROM.
The cost will include general admission, activities, and, most importantly, a ROM-exclusive glow-in-the-dark badge solely designed and given away during this event.
Please bring a nut-free lunch, snacks, and a water bottle.
Mark your calendar, and explore all that the ROM has to offer!
Safe Guide
- This is a green-level event.
- Guiders, please provide parents/guardians with SG.1, SG.2, and H.1 forms.
- Guiders must bring completed SG.2, H.1, and H.2 forms to the event.
Guider Responsibilities
Before the event: as noted in the Safe Guide section, Guiders are responsible for distributing and collecting appropriate paperwork for the participants attending from their unit.
At the event: Guiders are responsible for supervising their own unit and ensuring Safe Guide ratio is met for their unit.
By submitting a registration, you indicate that you've reviewed and agree to the Event Registration Terms & Conditions. Payment for this event may only be made by unit bank transfer. The office will be processing the transfers on your behalf. Payments do not occur automatically; please allow up to 5 days for processing.